Travis Ellison : where you from ? 2L : Boston Massachusetts. Travis Ellison : how was life growing up ? 2L : it was good. I had problems but who doesn't have problems when their growing up. Travis Ellison : when did you start rapping ? 2L : I was always a musician. started off singing, but growing up it was cooler to be a rapper. Travis Ellison : any musical influence growing up ? 2L : my dad first and foremost. as far as a artist there are to many to name. Travis Ellison : how did you develop your rap name? 2L : well I started off as Jeezy. then Jeezy the snow man came out. so I switched it to GZ. which is still kind of pronounced the same so I went with two letters in stead. which eventually change cause people would ask what the two letters were. so I shortened it to 2L if ask now I say the two letters are my middle name which is J.R. Travis Ellison : what's the meaning behind your name ? 2L : myself. Travis Ellison : what does your music represent ? 2L : hopefully enjoyment. Travis Ellison : does your music represent your reality ? 2L definitely even if I'm not living that life now. at one point in time it was my life. Golden rule is to talk about what you know especially in the streets, and rap is the voice of the streets. Travis Ellison : today are you the person you wanna be ? 2L : definitely not where I wanna be, but I'm always true to myself. Never wanted to be any one else either. Travis Ellison : where do you see yourself in the five years ? 2L : alive and happy. anything after that is a bonus. Travis Ellison : how would you like to be remembered ? 2L : a good guy all around. rather the topic is being a dad, friend, coworker.