Travis Ellison when did you start your clothing brand

Illusive Culture we started our clothing brand November 15 of 2019.                                                          Travis Ellison what inspired you to start a clothing brand.                                                                                      Illusive Culture we wanted to give people a clothing brand that they can come to get all sizes and feel comfortable. they can customize and start their own brand that represents them with Illusive Culture. we want to leave a legacy behind for our kids can keep going and pass down to their kids and keep it in our family for generations to come.                                          Travis Ellison how did you come up with the name Illusive Culture for your clothing brand                              Illusive Culture it's seems like being decent respectful towards everyone. it seems like it is invisible An Illusive Culture our business model respect everyone how they are. regardless of their sex, color, sexual orientation, identification, race or religious beliefs, it's our world hints our motto. it's mine it's yours it's ours it's an illusive culture.                                                            Travis Ellison is your clothing brand for everybody          Illusive Culture yes our clothing brand is babies children teens young adults and other adults we have sizes from six months old to 8xl our clothing brand motto is designed to celebrate every one culture sex gender age race sexual orientation and religious preference.                                                                              Travis Ellison where is your clothing brand being sold at.                                                                                              Illusive Culture our clothing brand is being sold all over the United States and we are looking to expand to sell all over the world.                                                                   Travis Ellison what does your clothing brand represent                                                                                 Illusive Culture our clothing brand represents people of all diverse backgrounds of life. we celebrate people's culture, parties, families, businesses, loved ones, schools, colleges, animals, artists, politics, and just what they love.                                                                 Travis Ellison where do you see your clothing brand in five years                                                                                  Illusive Culture we want to have a brick and mortar and we want to be making sales all over the world and helping people from all diverse backgrounds of all ages to be themselves and be happy with who they are no matter what people think about them.                         Travis Ellison how does it feel to be a business owner   Illusive Culture it feels great to be a business owner we are headed to be an entrepreneur and make our kids business owners and entrepreneurs and help people all over the world.                                                     Travis Ellison what advice will your older self give your younger self                                                                             Illusive Culture if I knew what I know now as a younger self I would already be a entrepreneur. I'll tell my younger self to always think every where you go and everyone you meet can be a business opportunity. have a short sales pitch that everyone will love and help people and they will continue to help you. make a legacy for your family you are put on this earth for a purpose to make your name mean something.                Travis Ellison are you passing down generational wealth.                                                                                      Illusive Culture yes we are passing down wealth to our beautiful and handsome children and teach them to run and control business so they can pass the legacy to our grandkids and pass it to their kids.                         Travis Ellison what do you want your legacy to be.         Illusive Culture we want our legacy to be illusive culture all over the world  and for everyone to be comfortable in our clothing and happy with who they are no matter what people think we are equal and we all have something to offer to this world and help each other to make a difference and put our stamp on this world and keep our legacy alive long after we gone.                       

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