Travis Ellison, when did you start singing. KJ James, I started singing back in 2012 when I was 19 years old in Gary Indiana I know I wanted to sing to inspire others so I've asked my mother Wendy M Sanders for a guitar for Christmas then soon after that I started learning playing an teaching myself through via YouTube after that went to the steps of city hall down town Gary Indiana where everything got started then the rest is history. Travis Ellison, growing up did you have any artists that inspired you to start singing. KJ James, absolutely growing up I listened to all types of old school soul/r&b but favorite artists to this day that inspired me to sing were the king of pop Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake and Chris Brown there originality, there passion drives them to become icon to inspire others to follow their dreams those are my top three artists of all time. Travis Ellison, what is your style as a singer KJ James, my style as a singer is r&b/soul it's very humble, passionate and heartthrobbing where it makes you listen. Travis Ellison, how would you describe your singing voice. KJ James, well I've been known about my singing style for years trying to see where I fit in at some point but honestly this is a random era others say i sound like Michael Jackson which that's a good compliment cuz he's the king of pop but I sound like KJ. Travis Ellison, are you also a songwriter KJ James, yes Iam a songwriter I've written my own original songs to inspire others to follow their dreams whatever you do because my mother said it was poetry even though with my condition because I'm mentally disabled but I can do what others can't and that's sing and write a song. Travis Ellison, how many you have to date. KJ James, well one of my main projects I've working on for years it's finally happening is my ultimate single mother & i which is dedicated to all the mother's world wide that's doing there thing to raise there kids without a father but I do have other original songs I've written but my top three songs Iam pushing to see where I fit in along as well. Travis Ellison, do you remain independent or be signed to a major label. KJ James, wherever my heart desire you know I love being independent because if you give complete control as well as connecting with your fans and maintaining focus & concentration and more time to know yourself, where as being signed to a label comes with obligations and deadlines etc but it also show case your music mainstream to the world to see where you fit in a category which that's what I want some recognition but wherever god leads me I will have my own milestone set. Travis Ellison, what does your music represent. KJ James, my music represents passion, heart as well as humbleness it's a story where you can listen and hear but also know more about me KJ. Travis Ellison, where do you see yourself in five yrs. KJ James, well in the next five years I see myself working on movies Tv shows being a business man owning my own brand show deals, endorsement as well as having a tiny home not to mention collaborating with top notch artists of my dreams and just live my own legacy for the generations to inspire.