T.Ellis : how does it feel to have a new album out Patiently Waiting Pt 3 ? Sarcastic Boom Bastered : it feels good new material plus I'm three albums in now. l T.Ellis : was this album release independently or through a record label ? Sarcastic Boom Bastered : Patiently Waiting Pt 3 : Time Is Now was released iindependently I'm still unsigned at the moment. T.Ellis : what is the first single off this album ? Sarcastic Boom Bastered : first single off this project is Come Correct Ft.Carolina Blue. T.Ellis : how many singles will be put out from this album ? Sarcastic Boom Bastered : I would say at least four to five kind of hard to say right now. T.Ellis : through the course of your career has there been any changes ? Sarcastic Boom Bastered : hasn't been any changes except I lost my uncle this year and he was a roll model to me that's why I got a song on the album called Uncle P dedicated to my uncle R.I.P. T.Ellis : what does Boston means to you ? Sarcastic Boom Bastered : Boston means home to me where I was born and raised. T.Ellis : would you be touring any time ? Sarcastic Boom Bastered : hopefully if I can get a label to back me and hopefully finance the tour for me. T.Ellis : what's next for Sarcastic Boom Bastered ? Sarcastic Boom Bastered : well what's next is I will be doing more shows and putting out more videos this year and more albums to come in the future so stay tuned in thank you to those who support and rock with ya Boy Sarcastic Boom Bastered.