Travis Ellison, when did you start singing acting and modeling        

Taboshous Rochester, i started singing and acting at a very young age it all began in church and school plays in my 20s that's when I started modeling.                                                                             Travis Ellison, where you from                                       Taboshous Rochester, I'm from Ocean City Maryland.                                                                            Travis Ellison, growing up did you always dream about being a singer actor and model                          Taboshous Rochester, it was always a dream of mine as a child so for me to be actually doing still feels like a dream to me!!                                                Travis Ellison, what does your music represent           Taboshous Rochester, my music represent new beginning and newness that you can over come anything also I can touch people's lives by being advocate that fans can feel my music because I'm telling a story  and it's a possibility that they can feel where I'm coming from because they've been thru what I been thru as well we are over comers.            Travis Ellison, any upcoming films.                                  Taboshous Rochester, as far as films they are upcoming still.                                                                    Travis Ellison, which one you enjoy more doing           Taboshous Rochester, singing because I feel like a different person while I am up on stage I'm not thinking about anything but performing at that  moment                                                                              Travis Ellison,  how many music projects you have to date                                                                                     Taboshous Rochester, I've many music projects opening up for heavy hitters such as Mikeal Manley of the Commodore's, and Big Tony the pioneer of Go-Go of Legendary Trouble Funk Shirley Lites, Lady J & Cowboy, James Thomas Brooks better known as Mr.Hollywood, my first band family destiny's band, Alyson Williams, the Bluenotes, Brenda Wilson Jackie Wilson's daughter and Motown also with John the Boss-Man Hall to name a few there are more shows coming up a upcoming play called if you're dirty take a bath coming Milford Delaware May 7th 2022 coming to a city near you. my podcast let it out on plug studio network every Monday at 7pm.                                                                 Travis Ellison, what are you currently doiing as a model.                                                                                 Taboshous Rochester, modeling not doing much with that any longer just focusing more on other projects.                                                                               Travis Ellison, what kind of legacy you want to leave                                                                                    Taboshous Rochester, i would love for my family friends and fans to remember me as a go getter and I completed my purpose i supported my cause dedicated to abuse men, women and children with my song ( let it out ) that is dear to my heart and that I lived my dreams because we all have to let it out even when it hurts. 

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